

World Doula Week has come to an end and I would say it was quite successful. Plenty of Doulas around the world created more awareness of who we are and what we do and even received some media coverage. Our little film screening at Birth Roots last weekend was low-key and fun. I was excited to share DOULA! with other women and Doulas in our community and it was the start to a movie-watching weekend. Sunday we spent a handful of hours watching More Business of Being Born the second set of films to the original The Business of Being Born. A huge amount of information is in these DVD's so I'd suggest sitting down to watch on a clear-headed day with not much else going on. I highly recommend them to everyone though, especially mums-to-be and their partners. I'm all about informed choice (who isn't?) and watching these DVD's is a great place to start accumulating information about birth.  

Another fantastic resource that I've recently come across is Pathways to Family Wellness magazine. I first heard about it through Pine Tree Family Chiropractic. They have hard copies in the office, but Dr. Johanna Hill also has a link on her Facebook page to the digital copy online. Pathways is all about informed choice (yay!). I will admit that most of the articles do sway on the holistic side of wellness, but for those that are looking for alternative means of health care outside of traditional western medicine, this magazine is worth the read. To give you a taste, here are some of the articles in this months issue: Mothering the Mother, a great article on the ins and outs of the role of a Doula. Confronting Vaccine Dogma, the story of a mother sticking up for her children's' health care rights. Imagination is More Important than Knowledge, a piece based on scientific evidence about language development in children. Plus loads more. Dr. Johanna Hill has a group that meets monthly at Birth Roots after the Doula Tea to discuss the magazine and other ideas with the community. If you're interested in joining the next group meeting or want to learn more about Pathways or Pine Tree Family Chiropractic, find them on Facebook (links above).



It's official. The DOULA! film screening will be taking place on March 24th, 2pm at Birth Roots. They have been very awesome in letting us host the screening in their space. I will be co-hosting the event with fellow doula Natasha Miller. We previewed the film last night, and let me just say, it is fantastic. It is about an hour in length and showcases three separate births, all attended by doulas.  If you have been thinking about becoming a doula, hiring a doula, know someone who might want a doula, or if you find yourself wondering what exactly a doula is, you should watch this documentary.

In addition to Natasha and myself, there will be a handful of other local doulas in attendance, so we will have a little discussion after the film to answer any questions/thoughts that you may have. If you're interested in attending please email me to register, space is limited. The screening is free, but any small donations for the space (Birth Roots) will be accepted.

A huge shout out to Alto Films for creating a film that builds awareness in the birthing community about doulas, and on top of that, allowing free screening during World Doula Week. You rock!


World Doula Week is on it's Way!

March 22nd-28th is World Doula Week, and I couldn't be more excited! First to find out that we have a full week dedicated to recognizing Doulas as birth professionals, then secondly that I'm able to offer a free screening of the documentary movie DOULA! The Ultimate Birth Companion. Here is the movie trailer to give you a little preview...

I'm planning on a small screening the afternoon of  Saturday, March 24th with some munchies and a discussion after the movie. I'll have more details in the coming days, but if you're interested at all, please contact me and I'll be sure to send the information your way.